“Do you want to know what’s the closest thing to feeling the most powerful you can feel? Flying alone at night. Risky. Nothing but you and the wind. Soaring way above everything, slicing through the air like a sword. Up and up until you feel like you could grab a star and hold it to your chest like a burning, spikey thing…”
“Pain fades. But being a nutcase seems to stick around. Guess who got the better deal here?”
“You have to want to be with someone, or it doesn’t work. You have to choose.”
“Your mind creates your reality. If you expect nothing, you open up the universe to give you options. If you expect the worst, you usually get it.”
***Fang's Blog***
“Maybe I’m missing something I never really had to begin with.” –11/17/05
“Pride is a hard thing to swallow.” –7/13/06
“Learning the weaknesses of your foes makes you stronger.” –10/19/06
“Be a freak! Oh, and be yourself.” –3/25/07
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